Friday, January 15, 2010

It's a birthday!

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Today Jackson is four years old. We celebrated him last night with lots of family and his requested dinner of fettuccine alfredo. He was showered with "appreciations" (a family tradition) and lots of gifts that will keep him busy every minute his Christmas gifts don't!

Jackson is so sweet.

He is methodical and cuddly and quiet.

He plays happily by himself for hours.

He doesn't get off his bed until he's allowed. Like, ever.
(I love this about him.)

Jackson loves coffee (it's true) and making steamers with Daddy.

He also loves playing with swords (sound effects and all), stickers, yogurt, and his red sneakers.

We love him.
We're so thankful for these precious four years we've shared with him.
We're excited about the future the Lord has planned for him.
We love celebrating him!

Happy Birthday, Jackson Edward!



  1. Great smile! Happy Birthday to your little man!

  2. Yeah! He and Abram are really close in age. We need to get them together sometime! If ever you come to Watertown for a shopping adventure, I'll take your kiddos! 
    Question: For the birthday appreciations do you just take turns mentioning something you appreciate about him? I love learning about different traditions! I think they are great.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a red headed sweet heart!

  3. What a great photo!  Happy Birthday to your FOUR year old!  (was it seriously four years ago when you were in the hospital with that boy FOREVER and I was continually asking your family if they had heard anything???)

  4. Happy Birthday, Jackson!! I so enjoyed watching him while you were here... Whatta guy! :)

  5. He is 4 already! Oh my. I guess it makes sense but wow.  Happy B-day to him!

  6. What a cutie! Happy birthday, Jackson!

  7. @MrsNelsonAndMamma2 - Yes, we all just share something we appreciate about the "birthday person". It's a great opportunity to say the things we might often feel but don't always make a point to communicate.I might take you up on that babysitting offer sometime!  And if you're ever in the area, STOP BY!  I love visitors!
