Monday, January 4, 2010


Claire is now 2 months old.

:: She smiles liberally, which everyone who "talks" to her loves-- most of all me. She's recently started cooing and interacting a whole lot more, but overall she continues to be a fairly quiet baby.

:: I think it will be a while before she rolls over. Almost every time I put her on the floor, she gets smothered by her big sister Aubrey. What can I say? I fear that her eyes will get poked out more than I fear that she will never learn to move.

:: I'm not entirely certain how much she weighs, but in mid-December she was just shy of 11lbs, so I'm guessing she's around 12lbs now. She's getting a chubbier face all the time, which I love.

:: She's not quite big enough for Aubrey's hand-me-down small fuzzi bunz diapers yet, so we're still using the kissaluvs that Danica lent us. Thank goodness for those. I put her in a smattering of clothing sizes, going more by whether or not it looks okay than by the tag (she's wearing everything from newborn to 6m at this point).

:: Sleeping hasn't been quite as stellar lately due to a bad chest cold, but at least it only means that her 8-hour stretch is only reduced to a 5-hour stretch before she's waking to nurse.

:: She is changing every single day, which is good and right. But I do get very weepy thinking about her newborn days being over.


  1. @mom2mkei_2 - I'm afraid to say that I've sorely neglected picture-taking recently.  I feel badly for Claire, who will have very few pictures of herself as a baby at this rate.  I'm determined to start doing better-- and I will hopefully have the fruit of my efforts to share soon!
