Sunday, December 25, 2005

Last night I told Louissa, "Stuffing stockings is my favorite part of being grown-up," and--while perhaps not entirely acurate--it is definitely one
of my favorite parts! Upon arriving home from a beautiful candlelight
service at church (Christmas Eves at CFC are definitely highlights
throughout my life), Daniel and I pajam-ed kids, shared in tea/milk and
cookies on our living room floor, and read through a children's version
of the Christmas story before bedding our little guys. And then the fun
began for me: the stuffing of the stockings. I already decided that
next year will be even more fun because I'll have yet another stocking
to stuff for this baby!

This morning we had the joy of watching Gabriel and Bronwyn look through their stockings and open all their gifts in our own home.
It felt strange to be so close to the "big" house down the street here
in Madrid and yet not share in the traditions I have known my whole
life, but I was truly loving the opportunity to begin establishing
traditions for my own children. Knowing that this home will be the one
they remember spending some of their first Christmases in made it all
the more special.

Today I have particularly appreciated having a boy and a girl a lot,
because it meant both boy and girl toys and clothing scattered about
our house as they explored their new things. We had pink flowered doll
bedding and baby doll sippie cups mingled in with matchbox cars and
Toy Story figurines, etc. Last year Bronwyn was still enough of an
infant that there weren't a lot of "girl" gifts yet!

Now we are at my parents' house. The kids are napping, Daniel is
playing a game with my family, and I am resting in the family room. I
haven't slept much at all the last two nights due to a sore hip,
nausea, and "restless legs" (which is a legitimate thing, I've learned,
so nobody can make fun of me now!), so I am tired. Thus far this
pregnancy has been uneventful and very comfortable. I can't complain.
It hardly seems possible that I am due soon, so calm and relaxed the
"baby" aspects of these last few months have been. Or maybe I just
haven't had time to notice pregnancy in light of all the other
goings-on in my life. At any rate, to just now, at 37+ weeks, be
feeling discomforts of any sorts is nothing to be bothered by, that's
for sure.

Our house is really wonderful. This past week we've finally been able
to do some "real" life in it, and it's a great place. I love having a formal
dining room. The other night, I put dinner on the table and was so
pleased to have all the dirty dishes from cooking hidden through the
doorway into the kitchen. The dining room was lit with candles and
treelight, the table was set with Christmas napkins, and everything was
clean! Of course, a mess waited for me in the other room, but that's
okay! At least I got to enjoy the meal without the presence of my
waiting chores!

Sometime soon I'd like to have a house warming of sorts. Maybe. Part of
me feels way too tired for such things, but the other part wants to
share this latest blessing with others!

Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Hey there! Sounds  like fun! Stockings are my fave part too. I wanted to have a housewarming, and am still contemplating the idea. We finally just finished our dining room and enjoy eating there and looking at the now eye catching dining room versus the eye sore it was.

  2. Hey Brietta! This is Jennie Reed:) Esther convinced me to get a xanga site to stay in better touch with everyone, haha:) I told her I was feeling worried about being lonely after I move to NY since we only know a few people. We recently started attending Jerry Tallo's church which I discovered knows your family, Pastor Rick Paladin & Pastor Keith. Small world, huh? We really like their church but have only been there the past two weeks. It's kinda scary looking for a church when you aren't able to attend either of your parents' churches. I feel relieved knowing Pastor Jerry is respected by so many other pastors I trust:) Well anywho...just wanted to let you know I now have a xanga! It was fun to read about your moving into your new house & Christmas with your little kiddos:) Many blessings!

    Love, Jen

  3. Christmas in the Paladin home sounded so fun. Glad you're enjoying your homestead. Hope to see it soon and that new little one that will be here shortly!

  4. I enjoyed being at the house the other day. Even if I didn't contribute much the greater good of laundry room demolition.

  5. Merry Christmas!!  Please tell everyone I said hi!

  6. i always read your posts on subscription, so i hadn't seen your newest picture - cute, cute!  i'm sure you're ready to explode... happy new year!
