Thursday, March 29, 2007

Trimesters & More Pregnancy Talk

I can never remember how many weeks are in which trimester. (You'd think I'd know by now...)

Too many people refer to each trimester as being 12 weeks. I'm no genius, but I know that 12x3 does not equal 40. Somewhere along the way, at least 1 trimester needs to be longer than that!

I am also perplexed when pregnant women assume 4 weeks = 1 month, so that when they're 24 weeks pregnant they're telling people they're 6 months pregnant. Until the entire universe starts measuring by lunar months, please don't confuse me (and I assume others) by doing that.

Anyway, this is about trimester lengths, so I'll try to refrain from tangents.

If someone could enlighten me as to length of each trimester, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


  1. Well, I'm not sure about the answer to your question, but I think the second trimester is the longest. I agree with you about the 4 weeks not equaling one month thing, although I have to say that, with my belly the size that it is, it has been tempting for the past week to say that, since I am 21 weeks, I am five months along, even though I won't actually be so for almost another week. It is definitely beneficial to not do that, though, since then the eighth month and the "I want this baby out" feeling would come prematurely :).

  2. From what I can remember, each trimester is about 13 weeks long.  I never went by months b/c it totally confused me.  In reality, you are pregnant for 9 full months.  So is it 10 months or 9?  Totally confusing.  Just go with weeks...that is the easiest.  So, you are now 13 weeks and 4 days?  So, assuming that the pregnancy is going to be a full 40 are truly a 1/3 of the way there and in your 2nd trimester.  Congratulations!  1 down, 2 to go!

  3. The funny thing is that when people ask how far along you are and you say "8 weeks" they smile, count in their head and reply "oh, so your 2 months!"  LOL  My poor husband is so confused about it all too.  I am 7 weeks but "in my 8th week".  Anyway, in response to the trimester question...  First trimester:  weeks 1-13; Second trimester: weeks 14-27; Third trimester: weeks 28-40  (
    ryc: I totally agree.  We are usually spending so much time cleaning and doing other household things that not being able to do those things for a time really frees us to enjoy the mose important thing -our family.  No stressing about the dustballs in the corner or the fact that laudry is washed but still not folded and put away.  Instead we laugh as our daughter dances and sings the most wonderful songs and our sons play yet another story line from Star Wars or some other story. Lots of reading and lots of cuddles.  Delighting in the smallest of things that we have missed while we were fussing over the things that seemed so much bigger before.  That is where I am at least... 

  4. i am horrible at math- micah helped me keep track of how pregnant i was=) it was especially hard for me with malakai because i kept trying to just think back one year and then add one month- it really didn't work well. anyways, yeah garrett started walking right around when i was in the hospital with malakai.

  5. It drives me crazy when women tell me how far along they are by months. I get weeks easier, call me crazy. In any book I've ever read the second trimester always started at 14 weeks (giving up everyone's assumption that 12 weeks is your first trimester). Why does it all have to be so confusing!?  :)

  6. I don't think you're simple minded. I think people who are simple-minded say that every month has four weeks. I think people who are simple-minded don't know or care how long a trimester is and they aren't ashamed to say it. But what do I know? I have been known to ask how many quarters are in a hockey game. So please don't listen to me!

  7. weeks . . . months . . . days or hours . . . who cares? it is really long, really "not just my favorite thing to be doing all the time" in the world, plus there is pain at the end of the long journey. when i was pregnant with my first i thought that birth couldn't come fast enough. of course this was over the summer months - which every good mother knows is the worst time in the world to be pregnant. during my second trimester (which i barely remember), i started thinking there were four trimesters . . . which if you just thought about it that would mean they are called "quadmesters" but, when you're pregnant you think crazy things. i was so convinced there were four trimesters that i was just an emotion wreck for several weeks - until a good friend reminded me that they're called "TRImesters" for a reason. well, things seemed to go quickly after that. i hope that helps you in some small way . . . i don't really know how  . . . but my prayer is that you would feel comforted by one mother story to another.

  8. he ^ just made me laugh.  out loud.  and it was fun.

  9. me again- i guess i don't understand the counting backwards thing. you'll have to update me on that sometime.
    i'm definately wanting a plantation basket. the downside is my less than perfect sewing skills and not knowing anyone who excels enough to do it for me. i'm not liking the ones that target is selling as much as yours or danica's. ugh, what a struggle for such a little thing!
    i'm definately up for a visit... i'm medicated daily now and it stops me from vomiting. the drive isn't as long as some people think, and nowadays the beautiful sun and spring air nice to drive in. just let me know when you're up for it!

  10. I was going to respond but I saw that Katie already gave you the right answer. It can get quite confusing! I always just went by weeks and just smiled when someone would try to figure it into months. Those extra 2-3 days at the end of most months seem to throw most people off! Well, at least February makes things easier. ;)

  11. 40/13 = 13 weeks, two days, and 8 hours. Let's just say 3 months since: 13 weeks = 13/52 = 1/4 of a year = 3 months.

  12. i never can keep track. but louissa is right. he was hilarious and made me laugh out loud too. definitely fun.
