Wednesday, March 28, 2007


:: Today marks 1 week since my last bleeding. 2 weeks from tomorrow I see my doctor again and, hopefully, will be granted permission to live life normally again.

:: I like my little town, especially in the spring. I'm convinced that people who don't have cold winters simply can't enjoy the creeping warmth of these March days nearly as much as the ones who do. And the people here sure do have cold winters.

:: Bronwyn is amazingly sweet and affectionate. As if her chubby arms and cheeks don't make her kissable enough, you should hear her say, "I will take care of you, Mama."

:: Tonight a meal arrived, but it wasn't only a meal (and a very good one, at that). There was a beautifully-fragrant potted hyacinth, a package of bright yellow napkins, and a 1/2-gallon of ice cream sent along with the meal. As the recipient of many acts of kindness these days, I am reminded that it's usually the little things we can do that speak volumes.

:: The entire north country is probably aware of my husband's education on "sugarin'" this past weekend. He now officially knows what kind of tree produces maple syrup.

:: Daniel has done very well with keeping up with things around the house throughout the past 1.5 weeks. I have not a thing to complain about. The vacuuming is getting done, the windows have been washed, the floors have been mopped, and baths for the kids have been punctual. He's a very diligent and hard-working man, and he delights in blessing me.

:: This weekend Daniel will head out of town, along with 57 others, to attend the BASIC conference. I will be at my parents', with the children, the whole time. It's been quite a while since I spent a couple days (or more) at "home," and I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Are there really 57 of us?! Wow. I guess that's our number this year! You will be missed at the conference!

  2. I have some time free Friday morning. I was wondering if I should stop by with updated paperwork from work and go through it then. I could aim at being your house around 12ish if that works for you.

  3. I am glad to hear that the bleeding has stopped.  I agree completely about people who live with very cold winters enjoying the arrival of spring like no one else!  When Daniel gets back from BASIC, would you send him over?  (taking care of three kids AND washing windows!)

  4. I hope you have a wonderful time with your lovely parents!  :)

  5. When you say one week, it seems like forever to me, does it seem that way to you?  It's a good forever!  I think with this pregnancy you probably shouldn't "get back to normal" but I hope you will soon be out of bed!  BTW, how often do you wash the windows?
