Thursday, March 15, 2007

Due Date Update

At the risk of boring most of my readers, I am sharing information that may only interest her, her, and possibly her. To the rest of you, feel free to stop reading.

My best-guess estimated due date was October 3rd.

The doctor's best-guess estimated due date was October 5th.

The ultrasound results best-guess estimated due date is September 28th. (I think. Can't quite remember the exact date.)  Edit: the ultrasound due date is September 27th. My ticker is based on a Sept 30th due date, since it's the middle compromise between "their" due date and "my" due date.

None of us has anything very concrete to go by, so it's pretty amazing that we all agree within a week. Even a "sure" due date technically has a 6-week full-term span (37-43 weeks, though most insurance companies don't allow medical practices to allow a mother beyond 42 weeks; strict policies limit mothers to 41 weeks).

So, based on past experience, the baby will be born absolutely no sooner than [September 30th] (3 days after the earliest due date) and possibly not before October 19th.

That's my best guess.


  1. This wasn't boring to me! :)   Due dates are only a guide, anyway, but they are fun!
    I think the story of the black & white fraternal twins is so fascinating. God's creation is always amazing!

  2. Well, I do envy people who do NOT live in the snowbelt. We're supposed to get 4-6 inches by tomorrow morning...ugh:( I would have thought that you get as much or more snow up there, but I'm happy to be wrong:) As far as visiting...I'm getting excited & Noah is still wondering who you all are, haha! He knows the stories, but nothing more:) Probably the best time for us would be the beginning of May. April is bad for my job because it's the last month of school, we have a huge church youth conference we're helping with & Easter. So...what does early May look like for you guys? I'm going to give you my e-mail address so that we can exchange phone #s & stuff not on the internet...this is an e-mail address I send all my junk mail to, but if you could send your e-mail to this address that would be awesome:) It's


  3. Due dates are such a pain.  Isnt it only like one in 35 that actually deliver on that date! LOL!  I learned with Ashlyn not to go by them.  She was 2 weeks "early" yet totally developed and over 7lbs.  Austin was 5 days "late" and was 6lbs 11oz.  I had figured this one was either the 12th or 13th -then I get to the Dr yesterday and he says the 11th -go figure! *rolleyes* 
    I do have to admit, all of us (you, Abby and I) are all due at a great time of year.  If we go a bit late, it wont be unbearably hot and make us that more uncomfortable.  And going early just makes the little one that much older for the holidays!  I am excited that we are all due so close together.  How fun!!
    How are you feeling these days anyway? 

  4. Brietta,
    I loved it too! I always love reading about people who are pregnant. It is the most amazing thing that God does inside a person. How another little person can be created and how meticulous it really is. Its fascinating. keep up the posts! I will always like to read! We all care about you. Oh and I miss you all a whole bunch!

    With Love: Andrea

  5. OK, Fair enough.
    I'll tell you that I LOVE hearing about all these little ones!
    How exciting these times are...

  6. Finally a due date!?!!? Not that it really means much anyways in the end. Just keep in mind your due date so that no one tries to induce you around the end of September:)
    Can't wait to see you!

  7. This means our children will be very close in age. It will be nice having someone who has a little person the same age as mine.

  8. Yes, well, I think due dates are just a big joke anyway. I have gone (as you probably remember from reading my blog) anywhere from 4 days early to 2 weeks late. In the end, all babies come in their own time.

    ::side note:: my brother was home from college a few weekends ago and he was talking about school etc. and mentioned CFC and Daniel at one point. I almost said, "oh I know him!" but then realized, wait, no I don't know him... lol.

  9. I DO love to read about it!  It's fun that your date really is right in line with all of the other dates.
