Friday, March 30, 2007

Every Tuesday evening, Friday morning and Saturday morning, our road fills with what I have come to call "the minivan brigade."

Typically, the majority of the vans drive by a few minutes after programs are supposed to begin. Yes, family life will do that to most.

If you could be sitting here with me right now, you would get a look at just about every make and color minivan made in the last 15 years or so. Of course, there are the occasional SUVs and a fair share of Suburbans, but mostly minivans. (By the way, I've decided purple is a weird color for any vehicle, but especially for minivans.)

I'm telling you, you can't live in my house and not notice the steady stream.


  1. In regard to Thursday's post- you obviously didn't take my advice about clearance tulip bulbs rotting in plastic bags in the garage. Good for you! Eric would be proud!
    I can't imagine that you wouldn't notice the steady stream of vans. It's like a parade just for you, Brietta. Every Friday morning!
    Praying for that little one in there. Isn't it great that each morning when you wake it's another day of healing for your little one and his home? Praise God!

  2. That is so funny! Usually I get to watch the parade on Friday nights, when I'm doing dishes after dinner and young people start arriving for Youth service!

  3. I am going to help Mom with rehearsal today. I will be working till 7:30-8:00 tonight and then we can talk since you will be at MY house tonight! Yea - its like a girls sleep over! Can we stay up till 3am like that night right before you got married? Remember that?

  4. One of these days I will drive by and add to the parade. :)   Once you're "cleared for takeoff", at your next appointment (bc I KNOW that God is doing an amazing healing within you), we will have to get together with all of our little ones!

  5. Since I have a blue (not purple!!) minivan, if I lived by you, I guess I'd add to your parade. :)

  6. Missed your posts, and just remembered you're at your moms!  I'm keeping you in my prayers.
