Saturday, March 24, 2007

Since I've had lots of free time on my hands this past week, I've taken advantage of the chance to do some planning. (Planning = day-dreaming that has a hint of reality to it.) More particularly, I've been planning out what our updated kitchen will look like once the adjacent unfinished room has been re-done.

I've owned a home architect program for years. Literally. But since, oh, say approximately February 2003, I haven't really had time to design just for fun.

In the last week, however, I've had time. And now, I don't just have a virtual project to think about, since Daniel and I are hoping that this re-modeling will take place sometime in the next couple years. (We are saving our nickels and dimes to reach that point.)

Daniel measured rooms, doors, and windows for me earlier in the week and I started plotting and planning. Several designs later, I've got something I really like-- for now, anyway. It includes more counters and kitchen cupboards than I currently have (not hard to manage), a double oven, a closet for coats and cleaning supplies, and space for a couch, armchair, and TV, as well as utilizing the built-in floor-to-ceiling cupboards already in the unfinished room (directly below is the root cellar; it looks as though those cupboards were used in years past for storing produce and canned goods) for toys and books. The plan is that our current family room would become a music room, with space for an upright piano and Daniel's guitars, as well as whatever other instruments our children may collect over the years (the drums are already in our possession, but I'd rather they not stay in the kids' bedroom forever and ever).

I showed the plan to Daniel, detailed with new cupboards and appliances, added doors and windows, hardwood floors, and even a small island for feeding kids quick meals. "What do you think?" I asked, very excited about all the improvements I had made.

"I think money," came the quick response.

Ah well. What can I say? We see things very differently sometimes.


  1. I think your family is absolutely delightful! If it's alright, I would like to make a dinner for you guys some other time soon.   :)
    And oh-how I've been wanting to do some designing myself! I don't have a program for it, though. Do you have any recommendations?

  2. hey, wasn't it you who liked the name ethan broderick?  i love that one... i think you should consider it.  or at least broderick.
    i have my names in a notebook somewhere... i'm currently all packed up but need to unpack into my new room for the next few months.  once i come across the notebook i'll let you know what the other names are that i like.  : )

  3. Aahh... home improvements. So foreign to me right now as we have yet to so much as paint a wall. (That's the tough part-I'm afraid once we do get a place I'll want to skip ahead to the "fun stuff".)

    Benaiah is doing very well, considering. From what I hear he looks a bit "freakish" and feels somewhat miserable, but that is to be expected and he seems to be healing.

    We were all pretty sure, after looking at the accident scene, that it was the other driver's fault. (Benaiah was going straight, the other driver turned from the opposite direction and crossed both lanes.) But since Benaiah still can't remember any of that, I think it has gone a long way toward his overall recovery to hear that the police had faulted and ticketed the other driver.

    Now that he no longer has a car, we won't be seeing him as often, so we've been doing our best to pester him- long distance- about getting the rest he needs, much the way you're being pestered, I imagine!

  4. Today was the first day that my mom (and I was there) used her kitchen since right after Christmas.  The finishing touches are being made and their "addition" will be done!  It's beautiful!  Last week I would have told you not to ask her about it as she would have discouraged you from doing any kind of remodeling work.  There were lots of last minute things that went wrong and kept pushing them back.  But it's just about done and they ate and cooked in it for the first time today, so it's probably safe to ask!!  (She has 2 ovens and an island!)

  5. I love the designing (read "dreaming") of kitchens and houses too!  We have a couple of programs that we have been using but just got the Chief Architect one to try.  We have been designing layouts for other people but there is always a bit of my own dream in there too!  In fact, one of the houses we are designing we just might end up living in for a while.  My favorite part of the layout?  The kitchen!!  Yup, also the singly most expensive room in any house... 

  6. Oh that sounds wonderful!! I love thinking of ways to update and expand my house. But the whole money issue tends to hinder those dreams. Someday!!!
    How is the whole bedrest thing going? It sounds like you're handling it very well. I'm praying for your next sonogram!

  7. You are so creative to think about and design your own kitchen. I certainly lack confidence (rightfully so) in that area. It's a good thing Eric has it, 'cuz I don't!
    I laugh when I think about how he can just look at something and know if it is going to work or not. I laugh, not because it's funny, but because I'm just floored. My mind doesn't even go there. If I try to force it- my brain smokes.
    It reminds me of the time he built the dispatch stations for the new Police Station/Rescue Squad here in Potsdam. After looking over the prints and preparing to build, he went to the architect with a few questions. The response to his "How are and this and this going to work?" was -"Shut up. You're just a kid. Who are you to question the architect?" His Dad wisely sat by and just let it unfold. Eric went a second time and tried to point out the problems and again he was cut off. This time it was more like, "You just do the building, kid, and we'll take care of the design and planning." OK. It wasn't but one month after the completion of the project when he had to go back and rip everything out to re-build and re-install everything surrounding the very problem he pointed out in the beginning. Yep- all on the tax-payers dollar. And you don't want to know what a waste of time and money it really was. But- it happens all the time. They wouldn't know it's his gift. Just the way of the world.
    I sometimes wish I had just a  TOUCH of it. So, all that to say this- it's good to think though thsoe things now- even if it doesn't happen for a few years- you'll be ready!

  8. "I think money," came the quick response.

    Ah, that is always the first response. *sigh*
    What is the name of your architect program? Is there a free version online? I would so love to plan some updates for our kitchen. (It's about 3 decades overdue--with metal Youngstown cupboards from 1963).
