Tuesday, March 13, 2007

First Picture

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Head on left (if you're familiar with ultrasounds, you'll probably be able to see the face profile), the left hand lifted behind the face, body extending to the right (legs are not visible).

This picture was taken a little over 2 hours ago. Our newest little guy (I use the term "guy" loosely, though I do think the baby is a boy) is healthy and, as described by the ultrasound technician, "a jumper." She had a hard time getting full-body measurements because the baby never paused from quick, whole-body movements. If this is any prediction of future behavior, s/he should fit into our family just fine.

It is ever relieving to see the little heart fluttering-- a nice 158 beats/minute. This being my earliest ultrasound, I wasn't sure what to expect besides a heart beat. I shouldn't have been surprised by the significant activity of the baby, nor by how perfectly formed and shaped s/he is; after all, God is amazing! There aren't words (or pictures) to describe seeing a baby so new with arms waving, legs kicking, and 10 tiny toes wiggling.

(I was also struck again with deep anguish as I thought about the many babies as beautiful as the one being molded within me that are killed everyday. The enemy truly is the father of lies.)

As far as due dates, the ultrasound technician wasn't ready to commit to much (do they ever?), though she did say she feels "very certain the baby is at least a good 11 weeks along," insinuating that my estimated due date is wrong. I tried not to snort in front of her, but-- c'mon!-- what is the big difference between 10.5 and 11 weeks?!?! I think she might be splitting hairs a bit, and I have a feeling my doctor will concur. (It's after the doctor sees the ultrasound results that any formal adjustments are made.)

Most of all, I'm glad to know the baby is healthy and thriving and growing. I have not had much confidence up until now since this first trimester has been so very different than the others for me. Today, I am feeling very reassured and blessed!


  1. the little baby is wonderful.
    i'm so excited!

  2. Yeah!  Everything looks so good!  Will continue praying for you and this wonderful little one.  So sweet...

  3. yeah! Good to hear. We have been out all day and I just emailed to say, what's the news and then I logged onto your xanga and saw the update! So glad to hear you have a healthy growing baby in there! Love you:)

  4. Wonderful.  I have an incredibly beautiful new niece/nephew!

  5. How exciting. Thank you for sharing a picture of your littlest one with us (although I'm completely jealous at the fact that I haven't gotten to see ours yet) ;).
    I felt our little one for the first time last night. That amazing flutter that was unlike anything I've felt so far or ever before was my little moment of peace, hope, and comfort. (Not that I should doubt with how often my head hangs over the toilet - but I suppose there's always that question).
    So can I ask what points you in the direction of a baby boy Paladin this time?

  6. How wonderful!!  I'm so happy for you all!!  I'm starting to feel the baby urge, but Jimmy is still quite nervous after our last time around (2.5 months in the NICU, etc, etc).  Maybe we'll just adopt the rest!! 
    Oh - and I'm not sure if Kayla's actually tall (though, her daddy is 6'6") or I'm just short (just 5'3")... but I think she's growing like a weed, never-the-less! 

  7. How exciting!  What a thrill to see this first picture of our seventh grandchild.  God is good!

  8. Brietta,
    That is so fun! I may be pregnant as well. I am unsure but I have been feeling gross which is weird. Like I get a sick feeling at night mostly that lasts through to the morn and then in the afternoon it is fine and it comes back at night again. Who knows. I guess they say, "New house, new baby." What is that like a house warming present to say, "You bought too small of a house?" Well we only have two rooms but to me that is more than enough room for a little one. So we will see. Thanx for the comment. Oh do you have any names picked out?


  9. I saw that dark space to the right and gasped within myself, "She's having twins?"  But alas, it must have been your bladder.  Weird that I can be sitting here in VA, haven't seen you in 7yrs, and here I am getting a glimpse of your bladder, uterus, and little munchkin in the making.  LOL!
    Technicians think it's nuts that I can interpret ultrasounds so easily.  I can point out all kinds of stuff. (I can even see your little "guy's" spine!  Or is that his right arm?  LOL!)  As for me, I think it's strange that people CAN'T see what I see!  So is life.  Hahaha.  Congratulations!  And stick with your 10.5wks.  In the end, you may have to use those extra 4-5 days to hold off on induction talk.

  10. RYC-I have been to CFC numerous times, over the years. I met Danica years ago at a weekend event there (before you were in the school) and I was in Cinderella (CPS Kids) with Louissa, I believe. I was a beggar. Carina worked her magic on my hands recently and I have met Jamie and Julia and your parents. :)  I think it's so funny that I've never officially met you yet. Maybe one of these days, I'll wake up extra early and make my way out to CFC again.
    *praying for you and your family, including that little cutie growing inside you!*

  11. I love, love, love ultrasound photos. What a very clear testimony of our God's plans. Look at that tiny baby face! How could anyone think this was just a 'bundle of cells?!'

  12. What a precious and amazing sight! Congratulations. I never told you, by the way, you look absolutely beautiful!!!

  13. I'm not dilated at all. That has been the problem. I'm effaced more each week, so that is at least progress. Ideally I would be at a 2 or 3 by the 21st so Dr. McCloy can just break my water. My due date is the 25th but with my level of discomfort, combined with the problems I have with the nerves in my hand, hips and legs I really think this will be a big baby. Your prayers would be much appreciated.

  14. How wonderful!
    Are the kids excited at all? Do they have a clue? When they are real young they don't seem to believe you until you get "fat"!
    Hope all the jumping calms down, esp. when he gets some more weight and length on him or her. Nate always had a foot sticking out the side of my ribs.... and it did change from side to side... the doctor always wondered where he would end up at the end!

  15. I had an ultrasound yesterday, too!! It really does give a peace of mind to see the heart beat and the baby fluttering all around. And, though I am often less than thrilled at the pregnancy experience, it is a wonderful reminder of the blessing that is in the works.

  16. Still feeling left out. This is not typically the case. :~)
    Soooooo happy for you guys!

  17. Ahhh..so cute. Joel was squirming all over, too. I'll never forget the image of him...looked like he was doing sit-ups.
    Thank-you for sharing your picture.

  18. I am 19 weeks along, but I have a tendency to REALLY put on weight in the beginning of the third trimester. Maybe (hopefully) this time will be different. Also, since I have about 20 extra pounds that have not left since before I got pregnant with Caedmon, I am "supposed" to only gain about 25 pounds this time around. But, as long as I don't gain more than 35 more pounds, I will not be any heavier at the end of it all than I was with either of the other two....I guess that is something to cling to ;).

  19. I will pray right now, and I love that you have the picture up here.

  20. wow! the baby looks so tiny! lol the last ultrasound i saw was malakai at 35 weeks=) congrats again on the baby boy/girl.
