Sunday, March 18, 2007

I have been taking it easy-- very easy-- so be at rest, all those concerned that I am not! The doctor's orders were for modified activity (i.e. no exercise,
stair-climbing, heavy lifting-- including babies and toddlers, etc.) until April 12th when she sees me, we get another ultrasound, and she re-evaluates.
Daniel, however (backed by my mother) has ordered an even stricter rest period for at least the coming
week. When I protest he tells me we will never regret being
overly-cautious, and his words silence me since I know he is right.

To be honest, yesterday and today it's been kind of nice. I can't think of the last time I took life so slowly except when sick, and it's kind of hard to enjoy rest when one is sick. I've been reading a lot, which is a favorite past-time and one I don't often get to indulge in. Top on the book list has been the Word, which is all the more important during a time when faith must be strengthened, followed by this and then this. I know it's a little early to begin looking at baby names, but I must confess to already feeling pressure since I've entered into this pregnancy without a single name rolling around. Considering the fact that it usually takes me the full length of a pregnancy to decide whether or not I like an already-discovered name enough to actually use it on a child, I'm already behind.

I've no doubt that I would be more frantic to get back into the swing of things were it not for the slew of offers for help that have been steadily streaming in. I am grateful and, once again, humbled. I'm always sure I know where I would be without the Lord; these days I am often wondering where I would be without His Body.

P.S.  I'm taking book recommendations.


  1. Praying for you!
    The Storekeepers Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter is great! And - they sell them at Hannaford Supermarket and Walmart.

  2. What type of book are you looking for?
    I just packed up a great book I had loaned Danica... Praying for Your Unborn Child... good stuff. I might be able to find it....?
    I like Francine Rivers books... The Scarlet Thread... there are more. Historical/Biblical story...a  bit of prophetic edge.
    I will think more on this...
    Praying... keep up the good work of "being a willing and subjectful servant of God's will"... or mother!

  3. I didn't get a chance to check my email yesterday so was unaware of the activity that occured over the past 2 days.  It seems like you are doing much better than I did when told of a possible problem.  I know your already rock solid faith will carry you, and your family through this time.  I'm confident that the Lord is with you!  We will be praying.

  4. so glad things are good now, and so glad you're getting the rest you so greatly deserve!

  5. Any book by Michael and/or Debi Pearl!

  6. well, if you want a real fun one to read, but good and a not able to put down kind of book: Pretense by lori wick is one of my fave books. now i had never read any of her books until this one and it was so good i wanted more of her writing. have not read any more of her lit though,  b/c she seems to be a little too romance driven for me. (sends thought life in unnecessary direction) this book however is quite down to earth and oh so fantastic. i highly recommend. you laugh you cry and it is real. she's a christian author. you'd enjoy it i'm quite sure. how do you find it easier to type when nursing? don't you only have one hand available? cause don't you hold baby while nuring. sorry about all this seem to be dealing w/it in a good attitude and i don't know if i could do as you're doing...good for you! praying for youtoo. big hugs to you!!! i truly do love you, bri, and look fwd to seeing you again along w/your beautiful fam!

  7. p.s. sorry... i just wanted to also say we didn't have kaelyn's name until a day or t wo after she was born. i just had this feeling we wouldn't know the name till we saw baby. we didn't have names for the boys till very shortly before they were born. i perused name books, but i really just felt to wait. besides, it is fun to make everyone else wait for names too. :) we really did have fun choosing kaelyn's name AFTER she was born and i think that's how we'll do it next time around too. :) it is just so  cool to see them and then give them a name. so, take your time. we brought name book w/us to hospital and rick did some looking on the internet.

  8. i have some favorite names.  : )

  9. I'm sure I've sent along this recommendation before but my favorite author is Tracey Peterson. Her Heirs of Montana series is fantastic - historical but real. Between all the libraries, NCLS has all the books. I think Potsdam has most of them.

  10. I'm glad for mom and husband's advice. : )

  11. ideas. Spiritual Parenting  by Spurgeon is great. A quick read on the value of children and their spiritual life. You can borrow it if you'd like.
    I also have Be Still My Soul and These Strange Ashes, both by E. Elliot. The second book is about her first year as a missinary.
    : )

  12. So glad you are listening to the wonderful advice and accepting the help!  (Sometimes its nice when husbands go to the extreme isnt it?)   Dale continually repeats exactly what Daniel said...  "you will never regret being overly-cautious..."  They are right. 
    As for books... wow.  I am writing down some of these suggestions too!  Mine would depend on what type of book you are looking for...  anything specific?

  13. You need something funny....a merry heart heals like medicine I think proverbs says?  I get too serious so often...I'll keep praying too...
    We were at our trailer this weekend, we just needed to get away, and get a shower :)  Last time we found mice so Doug put out traps.  Actually they had taken over, but we didn't see them, just thier stored nuts and nests and droppings...I screamed when I found an acorn in our bed!  Alan got quite a laugh over that, mom's afraid of acorns...  This time Doug, Joy and Alan went ahead of us because Matthew and I went to a homeschool seminar. I was glad they could take care of stuff beforehand.  Here's the song I wrote after Matthew and I arrived....
    Three dead mice, three dead mice, see how they're stuck, see how they're stuck...
    Dad went to Walmart and got some traps, he laid them out and when we came back, those mice were stuck, quite dead in thier tracks
    Three dead mice.
    That's what happened, sticky traps may be cruel but they're the best!!!  Hope you laughed...I'm glad I didn't have to see them!!!  There were no droppings or signs this time, I think where he sealed up worked, it's just that these guys didn't make it out....

  14. But I still have this serious stuff, I can't help myself!  I liked "Let us Abide" by Cornwall.  A good thing to read when you need to rest.

  15. Yay for even stricter husbands and moms! We will continue praying.
    When I asked for book recommendations post-surgery Danica recommended The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. I really enjoyed it. If you are looking for light, easy reading I also recommend the Mitford series by Jan Karon. They are easy pick up/put down books. I also read  The Good Earth by Pearl Buck recently. It was a bit hard for me to get into at first but I really enjoyed it once I finally did.
    Happy resting!!

  16. ah, books... where to begin?? As someone above noted, Francine Rivers is excellent. The Atonement Child, Redeeming Love and the Mark of the Lion series are her best (IMHO). Jan Karon's Mitford series and Bodie Thoene's Zion Chronicles and Zion Covenant series are excellent as well. Have fun reading! And enjoy the time off- you know it won't last forever.

  17. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you & your new baby:) The thought had already popped into my head that plans for May could go either way depending on you & the baby's condition at that point. The 1st or 2nd weekend in May would work out great for us. Let me know if either of those work for you assuming that everything with the baby will be taken care of by then. It will be nice to see you guys:)

  18. A book recommendation- now there's a request that invites comments!  You probably have more than you bargained for I can't resist recommending When People are Big and God is Small by Ed Welch.  It is a Kinnen and Haller favorite.  The quickest way to get a copy is via Amazon.  If I was rich, I'd keep two dozen in the trunk of my car and give them away free.

  19. I think technically he could get 2 then! Just in case make sure you tell him what flavor you want. They have them listed on their website as well. I hope you are doing well! Maybe the free coffee will make it all better. I know it makes me VERY happy when I am sad or not well. Well sometimes. Anyways your in my prayers!


  20. Francine Rivers. Redeeming Love or the Scarlet thread. Redeeming Love is my favorite!!!

  21. He Chose the Nails, by Max Lucado, is great. I wish I could find it to read now to the children.
    Anything by Gene Edwards, though some find him strange. He writes a lot of allegory... if you don't like that, then forget his stuff.  I love the Divine Romance, and his Chronicles of the Door series. They are great.

  22. Praying for you and baby!!! Rest up! love!

  23. I'm so glad that the rest is helping.  My prayer is that the next few weeks of this pregnancy will be uneventful and that the next ultrasound will confirm that the baby and placenta are doing fine.  I'm glad that Daniel is off work this week and able to be there with you and the children.  I'm still sad that you aren't doing great and able to be here with us now, but I'm looking forward to the next time we will be together, whether here or in NY. 
     The reading load for this term of MTI has been hard for me to keep up with.  After this term , I am looking forward to reading some "just for fun" books.    I've been enjoying reading the book suggestions in this "comments" section. I've written down several of the titles I've seen here.  My personal favorites of all time are the seven books from the "Chronicles of Narnia" series.  I still re-read several of the books each year.  Every time I read them I think of new aspects of the character of God, the nature of sin, temptation, etc.  I do need to occaisionally remind myself that C.S. Lewis was not the Holy Spirit and that the books are fiction written by a sinful human, but I believe they contain lots of truth and they are great stories.  Right after Christmas, I re-read "The Last Battle,"  my favorite of the books.  I personally hope heaven is a little like Lewis thinks it will be, although I expect it will be much better.

  24. OK, so I, too have stolen all of the book suggestions listed here.
    I would give you book suggestions like I would make Martha Stewart a pie.
    I have gotten all my treasures from you and your mom.
    So, basically I'm here to say thanks for the stolen ideas and HANG IN THERE!

  25. If only we lived closer we could have chatted at three in the morning.

    I try to keep my caffeine intake very limited, due to health reasons, so when I do have it I am very sensitive. Sometimes, like last night, I break the rules and I pay for it. But I was so cold and there was no decaf available.

    Definitely live and learn!

    So sorry your much anticipated trip didn't work out this week. I know what it is like to be away from those you love, and it must have been disappointing for all involved. You continue to be in our prayers.

  26. Well, this looks like a record breaking post with all the comments, I figured I should do my part. I'll echo the plug for Francine Rivers: Mark of the Lion Trilogy and Redeeming love. And then, for non-fiction I must recommend Blue Like Jazz. You might not like everything Don Miller has to say, but he should will probably make you think a bit and hopefully laugh a lot.

    If you have missed any of these, I strongly recommend them.

    - Matthew Stephen

  27. The Screwtape Letters was a favorite of mine in high school. C.S. Lewis had an amazing way of relating in his books, who we, the sinful nature, to God.
    If you are wanting something less "heavy" "teaching", then Lois T. Henderson wrote some fictional novels on women in the bible. I have several of them, of course, packed up.... but Ruth and Esther were my favorites. You can find them on Amazon pretty easy.
    Will you be at Friday school this week? Would it be helpful for Amanda to come over and help out at all?
