Monday, March 26, 2007

A couple years ago, I realized I don't really like watching movies. I don't know why I didn't realize sooner. I mean, I can literally count the number of movies I've seen in a theater in my lifetime on two hands (maybe only one... nope, takes two) and I never feel like renting a movie because I can never think of one I want to see (this is not because I'm "holier than thou;" trust me, it's simply that I can never think of one that sounds interesting to me). I used to watch more movies than I do now because... well... honestly?-- I used to watched more movies before getting married and having kids (and thus having evening outings basically eliminated from my life) because my sisters and friends liked to watch movies and I liked to be with them.

Every once in a while there will be a movie I really want to see.

The last time was when the new Pride and Prejudice came out. (I feel a certain sense of obligation to watch films based on favorite books. You know... so I can judge them and always be disappointed by them falling short.) Of course I waited to see it until it was out on DVD/video, and not just because I'm cheap. You see, I've also come to the realization in the last couple years that watching movies in the theater makes me sick. The pitch blackness contrasted with artificial light from a large screen gives me an excruciating headache and the size of the movements due to the size of the screen makes me nauseous. So beware if you ever watch a movie with me in my home: a light will be on if I am present in the room and I will be sitting far from the screen-- farther if you have a TV bigger than 19", which is what I'm accustomed to.

And it was fun to watch. Mostly because I was watching with other people and not because I particularly enjoyed the film.

Every once in a while my family will want to see a movie and, because I still like doing things with them, I'll watch it. (I'm trying to remember the last time I did this... I think it was one night when an old friend was in town and Carina brought this over-- which I found very boring, but at least I was with girls I like.) Typically, I fall asleep before any movie is even 2/3 done. Ask my husband or sisters if you don't believe me.

At any rate, would you believe me if I told you that after sitting around for the past 10 days, I haven't watched a single movie or TV show? This surprises even me, since I'll often turn on this or this or this as a method of relaxation in the evenings. There are lots of days when 8 or 8:30pm rolls around and nothing sounds better than zoning in front of the TV for 30-60 minutes. But when I've spent my days resting a lot (like I have the past 10), I'm not enough of a vegetable come evening for the "zoning" factor of TV/movie-watching to appeal to me.

And even when zoning does appeal to me, 30-60 minutes is usually about all I can take, unless I've got a computer on my lap and can be doing other things at the same time.

*Disclaimer: sports are different, since I don't usually watch the game quite the same way a movie requires watching. Not to mention that any sports-watching is done as a way to share in one of my husband's passions and-- believe me-- sports are a passion with him. We watch baseball (Go Bucs!) and football (Go Steelers!) and hockey (Go Penguins!) and college basketball (Go Pitt!) and... well... you get the idea.*

You see, it isn't that I have anything against movie-watching. In fact, there is often a trailer I'll see or a recommendation I'll hear that sparks a flicker of interest. But when push comes to shove, sitting and doing nothing (not even talking?!?!) for 2-2.5 hours sounds too boring to me.

And this leads me to an all-important question:

Do I have ADD?

P.S. The over-use of italics in this entry makes me think of L. M. Montgomery and the fact that she would nonchalantly attribute this to immaturity and girlhood instability.

But since I'm not 14 years old, maybe she would just say I have ADD.


  1. We love Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, too, but never keep up with when it's on, to watch it regularly. (I never understood why some people with schedule part of their day around watching a show.) We have considered applying to be on that show, though.

  2. I like movies but i rearly see them. I do watch the reruns of everyone loves raymond. rich and i think they are very funny. Hope your resting is going well. I would find it very challenging. I will continue to be praying for you and your little one.

  3. funny... i don't really remember what i was goingto say anymore. glad you are resting. i really do recommend seeing "facing the giants" if you can get a hold of it. it really is a fantastic movie. light, funny, uplifting and i think just about anyone could relate to it in one way or another. great movie! you might be able to find the trailer on line.  

  4. ít's funny that you thought of Montgomery because whenever i use italics i always think of the Emily books and how her teacher always said to her that she used italics way too often... and i guess that technically i'm thinking of Montgomery too since she obviously wrote the Emily books.

  5. Maybe when Merrick gets around to producing and directing films you'll enjoy them a bit more! :) It just might happen!

  6. You don't have ADD because I don't have ADD and I'm like you with movies.
    For me, if I can't learn something from what I am watching it's boring to me. That's why I typically will be watching a news channel when it comes to television.
    My favorite movies are limited. And if I like a movie, I will watch it again and again. Master and Commander, Meet Me in St. Louis, The African Queen,  to name a few.
    I, too, do not enjoy the room dark. A light has to be on.
    Ahhh. I feel better. I am not alone!

  7. i absolutely enjoyed reading your post today:)

  8. I'm with you on the movie thing.  I get so annoyed when I spend $9 to see a movie and spend the latter half out on the hallway to keep from throwing up.  I was foolish enough to agree to go see "The Pursuit of Happiness" on New Years Eve with a lot of people.  I figured there would be no flying, fast car scenes or any other form of rapid movement...and there weren't.  However, Will Smith and his son were always running.  Running to catch a bus, running to work, etc.  And that was enough to make me sick and therefore ruin the rest of the evening.  Matt and I saw the trailer for Spiderman 3 last night and we both really want to see that but will not be going to the theatre!  I don't even think motion sickness pills would help with that movie!
    Glad to hear you're still rooting for all the Pgh teams!! 

  9. I agree with "Facing the Giants", that is a GREAT movie and actually helped me so much with what I went through this year. Because it's based on truth.  And it was so cool that a church made the film!  Doug and I are both photographers and it is a professionally done film.  A pastor is the lead actor!  And I don't think any of the actors were paid, they were church members.  So you know it was a move of God to make that film.  Anyway if you get it, watch the extras on the DVD, that's how we found that stuff out.  They had professional help on parts, but it's so amazing what they did and how cheap, and it's still an excellent movie.  It won't be getting any awards because of the Christian message, but it gets one from me.  And you can watch it at home! 
    You don't have ADD, actually kids with that, the tv is the only thing they stay still for...I think Doug has it, he has said so too...and then the things that do hold their attention they stay at forever.  In a bad way that is.
    Everybody Loves Raymond....that was me and my mother in law!  I thought the wife was soooo that I've had years of training by the Holy Spirit and some good women....I look at her and see how stupid I was!  Now my mother in law is like that....(she doesn't cook though...)but I learned to stop fighting it and letting her ruin my day.  But my husband stood up for me, he didn't take mommy's side like Raymond does.  He's not the wimp and he doesn't take anything from me either... I still like the show, it's just funny how the outlook changes!  Did you ever see Everybody Hates Chris?  It's about a boy around Alan's age, living in a poor area, and his school and home life.  I think it's really cute, Alan and I like it.  His parents actually remind me of 60's parents rather than the permissive ones of today.

  10. just would rather be talking to people instead of watching a screen that's not ADD it's being a friendly outgoing person!!!
    That is one thing, if I am seeing someone I haven't talked to in a long time, I'm not going to want to go out to a movie with them, I'll want to do something we can talk during!  Or at least go out after and talk....
    Matthew gets a headache in the pool if it's under 80 degrees...I don't know why...but everyone gets some odd thing it seems...and yes, The Pursuit of Happyness was constant running!!!!!!!!!  Very symbolic I guess.

  11. What about a christian teaching video? Is that something you could "wrap" your mind and attention to? I had a few I was thinking of bringing over for you... and Daniel to watch. I had remembered you were not a movie watcher, but I wasn't sure why.
    Don't even ask how many movies I have watched or my family or even how many movies we own... Judy says we are better than Blockbuster! Hey, no late fees!
    I would prefer to read too, it is just easier at times to watch the movie, than try to "hide" somewhere to read, and keep getting found!

  12. We are very avid movie watchers, but mostly because after sports, Ben really enjoys trying to figure out how they did what and even why they chose the actors, etc. I truly believe had He not been called to the ministry, he would certainly have pursued something in the movie making business. Since having children we don't go to the theater but watch everything at home, but I do wish at times we would be otherwise distracted. It is so easy to resort to movies that we need to purposely make sure we're no missing out on more life filled things!

  13. Dale always gets annoyed at me when I get up and start walking around or cleaning during a movie.  He will pause it thinking I dont want to miss a second!  I do enjoy watching movies but am with you on the dark and the time spent in total silence.  (Thank goodness for the pause button!)
    RYC: Thanks.  I hope that didnt come across badly.  I almost deleted but then realized that others had read it and, well, it is a reality for me. 
    I know this season wont last forever -even a full 40 weeks wouldnt be forever!  For some reason, I have a feeling that He is allowing me to feel this way until the ultrasound next week -and that is my prayer too!  Not that I put my hope and trust in the fact that I feel so badly but I am human and have a feeling I would be in a constant battle with fear if I wasnt feeling this way.  Monday we will see this little one and -right or wrong -I will feel a lot better in that sense.  The first 2 miscarriages happened at right around 6 weeks and the third was before I was even 5 weeks.  Having the u/s at 8 weeks with a good strong heartbeat will be great. 
    Once I am feeling better can we get together -finally!?

  14. Well...I'm a movie lover, but I DO agree that Pride & Prejudice is a wonderful book & that the movies don't ever really do it justice. My favorite movie version is the A&E's long, but much more involved. However...I find little enjoyment going to see movies in a theatre & would MUCH rather be watching one with family or close friends:) Given the option between talking & movie watching....I'd almost always choose talking. Unfortunately for Noah I tend to have a burst of talking energy right as we get into bed...haha...oh well!

  15. Movies are always way more fun when watching with others, especially when its a movie the others are excited about too. I doubt you have ADD. (At least I hope you don't, becuase that doesn't leave much hope for me).
    I know I asked you over the summer where you got your little moses (plantation) baskets, but I honestly can't remember what you told me. Could you give me the info. again?

  16. i did know most of that stuff about the film, but it would be very cool to see the extras. it definitely was a God thing, this movie. and i finally remember what i was going to say... i HATE watching movies in the dark and i always need a light on!!! i have no idea how people do it w/o lights. it hurts my eyes, and sometimes can make me dizzy and get a headache. well, i know all this wording is a little off, but that's all for now. still praying for you. love and hugs to  you!!! 

  17. I feel obligated to comment about movie-watching. I guess I usually feel obligated (or at least strongly propelled) to comment on all of your posts. Don't ever ask Eric about my movie-watching habits. His blood will boil. My movie-watching habits are most irritating to most people. So, I tend to save my movie nights for when I am alone. This, as you can imagine, is not often. When Eric goes to the theater with a friend to see an action flick or when he is out of town for work (rare) I settle down with a girly movie. Nights when he is watching one we own (like Master and Commander) I always fall asleep within the first twenty minutes- no matter how hard I try to stay awake! I think I told you before that I am obssessed with true sports films. So, I think as far as my taste is concerned, I'm easy to please. I don't care if its dark or light or morning or night- big screen or 13"- none of it matters...I WILL FALL SOUND ASLEEP WITHIN TWENTY MINUTES. DO YOU HEAR ME? IT'S VERY ANNOYING! I used to blame it on pregnancy and then sleep deprivation that comes with having a newborn- but well, it has been 2 1/2 years and I still do it. Thanks for getting my dander up and making me think on my weirdness. After I read Mrs. moulton's comment I think maybe I should try a documentary or something. I don't know. Whatever. I'm going to bed now.

  18. P.S. I LOVE ITALICS!!! And exclamation points! I don't care how disappointed my college writing professors would be if they saw me now! Woo hoo!

  19. I feel the same way about movies.  Headaches in the theatre, fall asleep when trying to watch one at home.  TV - I pretty much only watch The Learning Channel and even that, rarely.  Don't like to watch it when Kayla's around, regardless and usually by the time she's in bed, I'm pooped or folding laundry or cleaning... so, no, I don't think you have ADD! 

  20. I have to disagree-sorry!  I love going to the movies.  Not so much for the movie, but for 2 fabulous hours ALONE (even if someone is right next to you, no talking!!).  I hadn't seen a movie in the theatre since Rent (which BTW is a good movie-even though Shell and I were the only ones that seemed to think so) and a friend of mine and I went to see Music and Lyrics.  That is 101 mins that I will never get back!  Horrible.  Now, on the other hand...I HIGHLY recommend The Navity Story.  I cried for about 40 mins of it, but it was wonderful. don't have ADD...your a mom and our brains NEVER turn off.  We are trained to be one step ahead of everything and everyone.  :)
