Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I still do the major grocery-shopping trip: the dreaded one to Massena. I make my stop here and get every boxed and canned good we should need for the next 4+ weeks. I go here for a month's worth of diapers, wipes, sippy cups, cleaning supplies, razor blades, paper towels and... well... you get the idea. And, as much as I'm (and others who throw bridal/baby showers and give birth to babies are) able to plan ahead, I try to stock my gift-stash. This may be the hardest part of the shopping trip since we have here and here and here to choose from. (Don't get me wrong: I like TJ's. Sometimes it just doesn't have what I'm looking for.)

But for the weekly stops for milk, cheese, and juice, Daniel has become the go-to guy. This is for a couple reasons, chiefest being that he is in Potsdam and/or Canton just about everyday of the week. For him to drive the 10+ miles home and then me to get in the vehicle and drive the 10+ miles back (you may remember that I no longer grocery shop with all the children by myself) just doesn't make sense-- especially when my weekly lists really are about as simple as the produce and dairy aisles.

He does a great job. Between me writing out my list in the order he will reach the foods, keeping the list to a maximum of 20 items, and him calling on the cell phone when there is confusion or the item isn't in stock, as is typical in this back- corner- of- the- world place, he has yet to get anything too terribly wrong.

The only problem is that the grocery store very strategically places their ice cream sales so that as you are walking back across the store toward the cash registers, you see what is on sale. I usually don't even look, since I am well-aware of my own weakness. But Daniel? Well, Daniel thinks it is borderline wrong to by-pass an ice cream sale. Especially if the ice cream on sale is this kind and they still have his favorite on the shelf.

Of course, this wouldn't really be a problem (I suppose I could complain about the $3/week as being tough on the budget, but c'mon, I think I can spare the man his $3 ice cream) except that, naturally, I eat it, too.

I could tell Daniel to stop buying ice cream since I'd rather pretend that his shopping methods are the problem. But that would be ignoring the fundamental issue of self-control. And I just don't think I'm willing to berate my husband for my own personal shortcomings.

It sure is hard to ignore the freezer, though.

...It sure is.


  1. I cannot sent my husband to the grocery store for that very reason...he comes home with all sorts of things NOT on the list.

  2. You are so funny! I gave up ice cream a while back and I rarely even find myself liking the taste when I finally have some, is that odd or what? I kind of like it just because I know I wont eat too much. I always loved ice cream as well. Before I gave it up I was eating it in a cone in a bowl topped with hot fudge and of course I always had to pick it up and eat it cone style, not with a spoon. People are so funny on the things they need. But sounds good. Oh and that is such a good idea to stock up on gifts for baby showers or just other things for people. Even if I get some little things it wouldn't hurt, its better than getting nothing at all I guess. well you all have fun in the back- corner- of- the- world place. Haha, that is funny.


  3. oh, who cares. just go ahead and eat the ice cream, especially if it's peanut butter. :) (just don't overdo it.) ;)

  4. Ice cream is a not-often-purchased treat in this house but we do have a few other items that Josh loves, therefore I buy. Pepsi is the big trap for me. Sometimes the only thing that tastes good to me is a Pepsi, even though I know how much sugar I'm ingesting. Self-control is something I know I'll work on for the rest of my life.

  5. Ice cream is considered a must-have in this house. Norm is an ice cream addict and has produced four little addicts, I can live without it. When we lived in NY we would buy 16-20 quarts every time it went on sale, which used to be about every six weeks. Unfortunately for them, we cannot find it on sale very often here and I refuse to pay $5.49 for a quart of ice cream, not matter how good it is. My compromise was buying gallons of vanilla at Sam's for $6.00 but they are getting bored, no matter what topping. So, for the first time in many, many years ice cream is not a regular purchase these days. As long as I do the shopping that is.

  6. Oh, and the most amazing part is that nobody is complaining.  

  7. Yummy ice cream... what is your favorite is what I want to know LOL!  I am a sucker for black raspberry or the Edys girl scout cookie flavors.  Breyers is always a good bet and I love their mint chip!
    Is there not any grocery store in that little town anymore?  Didnt there used to be one on the corner by the bridge?  I noticed it looked different (dark) but didnt think it was actually closed. 

  8. That's good to know that even Gabriel (who is soo smart) didn't realize or mind that you celebrated his a day late!  Good to know I won't be scarring her forever! 
    I do feel bad that shopping is so difficult for you.  Although I'm sure you were used to it from living up there but had been spoiled by living here for 4 years.  Soon enough you can shop in all your favorites!

  9. what can I say....
    I just ran into P&C only an hour ago, and brought home Daniel's (and my hubby's)
    favorite kind. Of course, BYGO means I also stocked up on Vanilla Bean.
    Heaven hep us all!

  10. Daniel is quite a trooper. I know R.Jay has probably seen the inside of a grocery more times in the last two months than he probably did in his whole life. He's getting pretty good.... although, like Daniel, he does usually come home with something that I didn't put on the list.
    I'll definately post pictures as the house comes together. How are you feeling these days?

  11. I thought of you last night as I had to make a quick run into that store.  As I walked past the freezer placed quite strategically out front and chocked full of all the best Breyers flavors.  I was about to stop myself until I saw that they had my favorite Edwards pies on clearance...  I brought home this one for myself and this one for Dale. 

  12. We don't often have ice cream around (mostly because it is gone in no more than 2 days when purchased), but Tim does have a tendency to buy snack foods when he does the shopping. Yesterday, he came home with 4 packs of cookies. so, my strategy is to get them all eaten as quickly as possible...the calories aren't as bad when eaten all together, right ;)?

  13. I miss ice cream.  Since I have this problem with lactose it is a no-no.  It gets easier though as Dad doesn't ask for it too often.  The penalty is not nice so I bear up.  Love to All and when you indulge have some for me!  Gram
