Saturday, March 3, 2007

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow!

I have been loving the snow.

Of course, if it was all melting and birds were chirping, I'd love that, too.

I'm realizing I just really like weather. It would be very hard for me to live somewhere that didn't have four full-blown seasons.

(Confession: my least favorite time of year is July/August, which is most everybody else's favorite time of year. I hate laying in bed at night with sweat dripping down my back. Ugh. To me, that is the worst! At least in the winter I just pile more blankets on and can get comfortable. In the heat of the summer, there's simply no relief.)

Maybe I'm really enjoying the snow because one of my meditations this week has been Isaiah 1:18, ...Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow...

24 hours ago a glance out the window did little for the eye. Brown mucky grime seemed to cover the world. But today, it's all white again. Clean. Fresh. New.

It doesn't seem to matter that I've grown up hearing about forgiveness of sin my whole life. It doesn't seem to matter that I've been saved 16 years. I forget. Oh, sure, I know that I'm saved. But if you heard the inner conversation I'm having at times, you'd wonder if I really know.

I forget that the work Christ did was complete. It wasn't just enough for the day I first cried out to Him. His work covers me yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His work fully restores me.

This week I have been reminding myself.

And the snow has been reminding me, too. Each fluffy snowflake seems to say, ...They will be as white as snow...

White. as. snow.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
                                                            1 John 1:9 (emphasis mine)


  1. Yes, as I'm sure you can relate to, Joel's idea of "sharing" is that someone else should share with him... (insert eye roll here) I do feel kinda bad for him. On top of everything with Joe, and Mariah and Seth being sick, I had listed 95 items on ebay two weeks ago and they all sold this past Sunday. People wanted their stuff, sick baby or not, so every spare minute has been spent packaging.

    We leave for the "party" in a bit here, so hopefully that make up for the bummer of a week he's had!

    Can't say that I relate to your love of snow, but I can certainly relate to the rest of your post... almost enough to enjoy the idea of snow... a little. =)

  2. That verse you closed with was one of the verses my older three had to memorize for bible quizzing this term. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that verse and the fact that I have to (well, get to) learn God's Word right along with them. It's just a blast.
    Yeah, Eric and I love late July/early August. Though my favorite season is fall, I do love the HEAT!

  3. I understand...the snow still seems enchanting. Perhaps because there was none for the holiday season. And the verse you quoted put it all into perspective.

  4. can always add more layers, but you can only take so many off, and even if you do all you can, you're still hot. summer and winte are my least fave.  i guess i like summer b/c at least i can get the kidsout; however if it is real warm we don't stay out long cause i can't take overwhelming heat. do you use a fan or air conditioner? the snow is pretty for that reason, but i'm anxiously awaiting spring and the warmer climate that comes with it. :)  
