Friday, January 7, 2011

Today I...

... had my quiet time before breakfast for the fifth straight day in a row. It's been a great blessing.

... didn't get a shower until close to 3pm. Hey, you can't have it all, you know!

... made thank you cards and read a couple chapters of The Cabin Faced West with the kids before bundling them  up to enjoy almost 2 hours of winter wonderland beauty, and with that, called it a school day. We needed something fresh and fun after what felt like a very long and arduous Return to Routine week. Fortunately, that lesson plan was just the ticket.

... turned the heat up to 70* at one point because I just couldn't shake the chills. It felt like breaking a rule, and then I realized that I'm the mom: I get to make the rules!

... thought about putting away the Christmas decorations for, oh, about 30 seconds. There's always tomorrow.

... only drank one cup of coffee. I'm trying to rein myself in after getting just a smidgen lot out of control over the holidays. It wasn't a bit fun, but I did it.


  1. lol - turning the heat up to 70* does feel like breaking the rules, doesn't it?!  i've been so cold lately, though ... i admit, i've done it, too!  :)

  2. I, too, have been turning up the heat lately. I keep it turned up while my mom (from FL) is here and just haven't been able to get used to the regular setting again. I usually keep it at 65 but have been turning it up to 67, with the occasional out of control 70. I also got out of control with my coffee drinking over the holiday. Unfortunately, my stomach is the first thing to let me know, I had to quit cold turkey.My goal was to get my Bible reading done before I even got out of bed and it's been a good week.

  3. I have to laugh at ALL of you about the turning-up-the-heat issue. I live in FL and my heat has been set at 73* for over a month with the exception of a couple days that we had to turn it back to A/C. I cannot imagine being back in NY and having the heat be as low as you all have it. I would freeze to death inside a house.
    And yes, I was born & raised right there where you all are (Brietta already knows that).
    Hahaha, the heat just kick on.
