Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Aubrey's wish

In less than two weeks, we are headed out on the trip of a lifetime-- and it's all our spunky Aubrey Collette's choosing!

Several months ago, we found out that Aubrey had been accepted by the Make A Wish Foundation to receive a wish.

[Side note: the whole process of being accepted and chosen is a strange one. I mean, do you simply say "Okay," to the physicians who have clearly communicated to the Foundation that they believe your daughter's life expectancy and/or quality is compromised by her health issues, or do you call them up and tell them to change their recommendation because you absolutely don't accept their prognosis-- which is true, but you also know that that very prognosis is part of her miracle and what makes her such a testimony?! It's strange, I tell you!]

Since that time, it has been unbelievable to be the recipients of such over-the-top generosity. From the volunteers who came, bearing gifts, to talk with Aubrey and get to know her so that they could ascertain what she might wish for, to the announcement party where a college girl volunteered to dress up as a princess and invite Aubrey to her castle and the restaurant provided the meal at no cost and where there were gift bags for each of the children and balloons and a donated cake, to the steady stream of gifts and cards and thoughtfulness, to learning about our travel itinerary and realizing it includes phrases like, "Your limousine will arrive..." and, "...spending money for each family member each day," and, "...all-inclusive resort," we are blown away.

They cover every detail. The volunteer who has interfaced with us has gone so far as making sure the airline has written down notes about Aubrey's health needs during the flight, and she will personally meet us at the airport with our rental vehicle when we arrive at our destination.

I know for a fact that one week will barely give us enough time to do all the things they are arranging for.

I also know that we are increasingly excited about a whole week of being together as a family and not worrying about a single thing.

Mostly-- and I really do mean this-- Daniel and I are excited about even more people we are crossing paths with who get to see the faithfulness of God in Aubrey. People who are familiar with the facts of Aubrey's condition are astounded when they actually get to know her, because she is the picture of health if you're not examining her heart. It's mind-boggling, and gives us opportunity left and right to share the story of a God who sustains in all things!


  1. thats in two weeks? no way! So excited for you guys (although flying with 5 kids sounds slightly daunting, I'm not gonna lie!)

  2. Fun FUN FUN!!!! What great memories you will all make.

  3. @krinabeanz - I know, right???  The good things about it:  we leave on a Monday mid-afternoon for Syracuse, spend the night in a hotel there, and then fly out the next day (much less of a long day then driving the 2-1/2 hours before even getting on the plane).  Also, they've purchased seats for ALL of us, Claire included, so we can bring the little girls car seats and keep them strapped in the whole flight (which should be relatively easy, since they're used to traveling for 9 hours at a time).  Also, my kids all have cute little duffel bags that are small enough to simply use as carry-ons so we won't have a to check a single thing, thanks to their aunties.  

  4. you are going to bring carseats with you? isn't that going to be a pain to carry around with you or no?

  5. @krinabeanz - We have to.  The girls will need car seats in FL.  But at least it's a direct flight.  And Daniel's always game for anything.  hehe

  6. Wow. You guys are going to have a BLAST! Let me know if you need to borrow any fair-weather items...

  7. Hahaha, Don't be deceived, just cuz it's FL doesn't mean all shorts & t-shirs. We have been having not-so-warm weather for over a month. The heat has been on in our house most all that time. Only just this past week have we had temperatures return to the 70's for highs. So of course bring summer clothes but don't forget a spring jacket & pants.
    So happy for your family that you get to experience Disney World. It is a great place to go to play. You are correct, 1 week is not enough time to do it all. Enjoy every minute of it.

  8. yup - SUCH a blessing.  I just looked back over the posts from when dearest Aubrie was born - they brought tears to my eyes.  I remember visiting you in the hospital before you were able to stay with Aubrey - tough times.  God has surely blessed and show miracle after miracle.  Congratulations to you both - I cannot think of a family that deserves this more =)

  9. OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm so excited for you guys!!!! I think I have too much to say for this comment...an email will do better! It was seriously one of the BEST trips of our lives and not b/c the whole thing was taken care of (of course that was AWESOME in itself) but b/c it was so awesome to be together and watch my kids enjoy this amazingly wonderful vacation! To see Maygen in awe when Peter Pan stopped in the parade to personally come over to her and kneel down and talk to her. Even being in the airport watching the plans was so fun our volunteer met us at the airport too. That's when we got our tickets and our spend money for the trip. We left on a Saturday and came home on Friday. Give Kids The World is so awesome too!!! Are you staying in one villa or 2? I know for us I think 6 was the max for room so I wasn't sure how they did it for you guys? There was a family of 8 there the week we were there and they had 2 villa's! The eating hall is amazing and so fun. The girls can go the beauty shop and get their nails done as many times as they'd like! There are tons of fun shows to see. Erin got on stage and preformed for "Village Idol"!!!We didn't have to take our car seats with us. The kids just sat in their own seat (Ky was 8 months old so she sat with me) and then at the airport when we rented our vehicle they also have car seats to give you. As many as you need. I think they just need to be reserved and your volunteer can do that. I love when you get off the plan and a volunteer is at the Florida airport with a sign welcoming you there. The whole trip is so planned and EVERY SINGLE detail is taken care off. Get ready for all you can eat food, all you can eat ice cream all day, money to spend at the parks, etc.!!! I could go on and on!!!! (And I think I will! Let me know if you have any specific questions!!!)

  10. I think Maygen and Aubrey are the same age as when we took our trip too. She was 3 1/2 and it was a great age!!! 
