Friday, January 21, 2011


We're here at Give Kids the World and having the time of our lives. To say we're being spoiled would be a huge understatement! We have everything we need and so, so, SO much more. My favorite part? Not having to think about a single detail and just getting to enjoy being together as a family. Of course, the kids are loving the gifts that are left on the kitchen table of the villa each day while we're out, the front-of-the-line access we get thanks to the little button Aubrey wears everywhere we go, the spending money that allows for extravagance we would normally never even entertain for a millisecond, the endless supply of ice cream here at our resort, and more!

The one thing we don't have is wifi, so I haven't been able to update much. Here's a photo, though, that gives a glimpse of Aubrey's sheer energy and excitement pretty much every minute of this week:

Disney World
Belle came to visit here at the resort yesterday morning. Aubrey was in heaven to have our meal interrupted by such an honored guest!

I'll be posting more photos on facebook while I've got internet access, if you're interested in seeing more!


  1. Magical is EXACTLY how to describe it!!! 

  2. oh! so magical! this makes me SO happy! 

  3. not having to think about details--truly magical!  enjoy!

  4. What a wonderful blessing for your wonderful family!  I hope you all enjoy every moment!!
