Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lately Liking::

:: cooler mornings and evenings that can only mean one thing: fall will soon be settling in around us! I love fall.

:: Murder, She Wrote in the evenings, on my laptop, after the children are in bed.

:: curried chicken salad, crisp lettuce, avocado slices, and fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes in a whole wheat wrap.

:: purging the house of unnecessary clothes, books, toys, and belongings to make better room for the things we truly love.

:: several Willa Cather books, purchased this summer at a library book sale and now being enjoyed in snippets whenever time will allow.

:: soft, white prefolds and Thirsties covers on my baby girl's bottom.

:: rearranging furniture and decorations-- just ask my children and they'll tell you it's my new hobby.

:: Oreos. They're my latest dessert of choice.

:: Psalm 34. Aubrey's Psalm. I am feasting upon it again these days. And, sometimes, certain phrases bring me right back to nights when I clutched bedsheets and tears stung my eyes and I wondered if my baby would still be alive when I woke in the morning and I would stir Daniel and ask him, "Will you read it to me? Please?" and he would and my soul would rest once again in His love and peace. It's good to be reminded of those days, you know? God's done a work in Aubrey and in us. And the best part is that He's still doing it!


  1. 1. I love oreo's!! Can't go wrong there!

    2. I love Thirsties covers. I ordered a few duo size 1's for the new baby!

    3. I love Murder, She Wrote.
    4. I LOVE that God IS still doing something in and with Aubrey and your family. God is so good and she is a miracle. I was just thinking about her the other day as we near her birthday!! What a awesome God we serve!!!

  2. You and yours are precious. Absolutely.

  3. oh wow I cried on your last one. God is so good!
