Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Claire is three quarters through her first year of life. I still find that I think of myself as having a new baby. I have a feeling nobody else does.

Month 9 of Claire's life was a fun one. She sprouted more teeth (she has 6 now). She learned how to crawl. She discovered clapping, waving "hello," and how to boogie (read: bounce her arms up and down) to music. She went to her first amusement park and major league baseball game.

Claire is an even happier girl now that she can move. Somewhat naughtier, but definitely happier! She is a people-person, this little Claire Evangeline, and she follows me around as I do my work. She loves it and I love it.

I love her.

Claire weighs just over 19lbs and is 27" tall. This puts her at the 50th %-tile exactly. Practically perfect in every way, this little lady of ours!

This photo was taken on Sunday, August 1st, at exactly 9 months. She is poolside, which is one of her favorite places to be. She loves water, as long as it's not warm. Strange, I know.



  1. It's so fun that we just spent time with her too. It makes the post so much more "real"!
