Friday, July 30, 2010

The Itch

I'm getting The Itch for fall routine.

This is both good and bad. Good because some years I've not had It even when I should, and bad because I don't want my inspiration and motivation to climax too soon. Although it's absolutely crazy to me that it's already the end of July and ohmyword we all know this next month will be gone in the blink of an eye, I also have to remind myself that it's only the end of July and that I really need to let these crazy days of summer take me for their ride a bit longer.

Here's the thing: I'm tired of loosey-goosey routines and consequent loosey-goosey attitudes from my children. I know that structure alone won't work miracles, but I also know that we all do a bit better when we know what's expected of us throughout the day.

Here's another thing: it's no longer 95-feels-like-105-with-the-humidity degrees outside (and inside, thanks to central air being a thing that has yet to reach the northeast) and this little reprieve from blazing heat makes me want to bake and light candles and harvest apples. Don't ask how 75* feels like a cold spell to a girl from northern NY who has lived through -30* days plenty of times in her life. It just does.

And here's the biggest thing: our curriculum for this coming school year is trickling in and I am excited! So many fun things to learn and discover! The piles of books for Read Aloud are stacking up and I wish I could just start them all 5 minutes ago. Seriously. I'm that excited!

So watch out, dear family in the little yellow house. This mama is doing her best to continue to let Summer carry her along, but she doesn't know just how much longer she'll be able to resist The Itch. Maybe you should pray for a heat wave that lands her poolside for another week or two!


  1. haha! I've thought the same thing about this weather. It just feels like soup and bread for dinner. THAT for dinner in July?? This morning I put the kids and myself in long sleeve everything with socks and I got excited to hang our Christmas stockings!!! Settle down Renee! I CANNOT wait to look at and get things for homeschooling!! I also have NO idea what to get so when the time comes I'll be checking in with you! For now though, yes, we're enjoying where we are bc you are right, another heat wave is SURE to come and I'm so amazed just how short these days really are that I never want to be wishing for the next thing. 

  2. Our box of "goodies" came yesterday too! I feel as though I wrote this post b/c this is exactly how I'm feeling. I LOVE summer but recently have been craving the cool temps (I'm assuming that has to do with being 8 months pregnant!) and routine that fall brings.

  3. Every now and then I get this weird feeling of fall overcoming me as well and I find myself dreaming of apple picking, pie baking, candle lighting days.  A few weeks ago I was getting all excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas and I thought, "What's wrong with me???" I usually don't long for fall so soon in the summer.  Odd!!

  4. Sorry, this Richmond girl just cannot bring herself to pray for another heat wave We'll be in town the week of Sept. 5th. We'd LOVE to get together someday and play!

  5. @kathleenmoulton - I'll take that!  I think you're pretty awesome!@MelissaLange - Yes, let's plan something!  Whenever you know what free time you might have, let me know.
