Monday, July 26, 2010

Home again, home again

We are back in Madrid after our second of three road trips this summer. These past 10 days or so have been a bit of a whirlwind, but a fun one at any rate. Highlights::

:: 3 days with our really wonderful friends in the Syracuse, NY area while Aubrey had a routine cardiology appointment and was declared healthier than ever (!). We splashed in their pool, shopped a bit, ate too much delicious food, and enjoyed lots of conversation.

:: attending the wedding of a graduated student in the Rochester, NY area. It was a brief stop on our way to Pittsburgh, but long enough to catch up with several alumni. Words can't describe how awesome it is to know that the work of God continues in and through them in the places He has brought them since their time in northern NY as college students.

:: lots of visiting with friends and family in Pittsburgh during the week leading up to my sister-in-law's wedding this past Friday evening. We played games, talked lots, went to an amusement park, attended a Pirates game (they won!), ate out, had an early birthday party for Jocelyn and Bronwyn (who are 2 days apart in age and will be turning 6 in 3 weeks) and were generally spoiled rotten by everyone. The week went by too fast and, as always, there were more people and things we wish we'd had a chance to visit and see, but we were thankful for the time we had together celebrating Beth and Mark's marriage.

Now we're in our little yellow house again. It doesn't matter how much there is to do to catch up around here (the gardens, ohmyword!), it's good to be back. I love going other places, but I love coming home.


  1. Wow!  You guys have been BUSY this summer!  Nothing beats coming home, though.  One of these days when you are in Rochester again, we need to meet in person : )

  2. We miss you guys!  Little Larry was SO disappointed when we went to Rahree's house yesterday and there were NO cousins there :(

  3. You guys sure have had a busy summer. So glad to hear of Aubrey's great report and that you are safely home again.

  4. It was great to see everyone!! :)
