Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vacation, Part 4

Our trip home from the beach was also a really great time, thanks to a number of things:

Beach 2010
We stayed overnight in Richmond with some great friends/college alumni, Caleb & Melissa. (That's Caleb on the right and their oldest daughter, Emarie, in the pool.) They have a rockin' kiddie pool/slide set up in their yard.

Beach 2010
Gabriel exclaimed, "Caleb & Melissa sure know how to beat the heat!"

After a great time with Caleb & Melissa, including Daniel visiting their home church Saturday evening with Caleb while Melissa & I stayed at the house with kids, we hit the road for our final stretch.

Beach 2010
We'd saved one bag of goodies that Diane had given just for this day. It included activity/sticker books,

Beach 2010
...car games (tic-tac-toe is ALWAYS a hit with my crew),

Beach 2010
...and even a new toy for the babe!

Beach 2010
We literally ate every. single. meal. on the road IN the vehicle, except for one last dinner on the way home. We'd been traveling for 10 hours (that DAY) by then and figured the kids (and we!) could use the break. Dinner also included a brief stroll to stretch legs a bit.

The End.


  1. Oh, all these pics and activities bring to mind such fond memories of family trips, including matching dresses for girls and fun boys shorts! Treasure these and store them up!

  2. everybody looks so happy in that last picture! good for them, keeping their attitudes together all day long! of course, i'm not surprised. they're just about the best kiddos EVER. 

  3. SO fun to see these!  It sure was a fun week together!  
