Saturday, July 2, 2011


On this Saturday, I am...


...watching a long row of linens wave in the breeze as the kids scamper about the yard. What an absolutely lovely day this is.


...appreciating how hard this guy works for me, for the kids, for others. For the life of me, I can't figure out how I wound up blessed enough to be married to him. He is daily a revelation of God's grace toward me.


...bossing these guys around (!) and feeling totally amazed by how much they accomplish every single day they're here!


...puttering in my vegetable garden. I do this almost everyday. It's really quite amusing that it consumes me so much, considering its modest size and all. What can I say? Despite growing up in the country, this sensation of working the land feels like a novel one and I can't quite get over how fun it is!



  1. Looks like a wonderful Saturday indeed!

  2. I was thinking about your veggie garden and who would protect it while you are away... Liquid Fence? As I drove by, thinking about that, I saw two big rabbits hopping around the other side of your yard! haha!I miss you something awful. When can we get everyone together. I still have yet to tell Michelle (are you reading this, Chelle) how bummed I am that they didn't make it up this way for the 4th. Maybe we can talk them into a late summer/early fall trip north? I know how hard it is, though, traveling with small children. I've done that once or twice. :~)Anyway, hope your family time is AWESOME and I also hope to SEE.YOU.SOON.
