Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our God is jealous for His own

It's been a month since I last updated. This might be a record.

Life has been full, but that's not why the neglect.

There are things going on in my heart. Things the Lord is teaching and showing me. Things He is dealing with me about. Things I am learning, sometimes the hard way, but usually the "I can't believe You bear this long with me, Jesus," way (and, let me just say, His gentleness and graciousness altogether brings me to tears every time). Things that are still too raw to write about, things that force me to dig down, things that come out in half-prayers because I run out of words and even thoughts before I finish praying.

At the bottom of it, though, is Jesus, removing the scales from my eyes and letting me see a bit more clearly.

I'm so thankful for His goodness.

Yesterday, I was driving home from our week in Pittsburgh. The hum of kids talking, laughing, eating, and generally being bored thanks to being cooped up in a vehicle for a solid 10 hours was totally tuned out, along with Daniel's phone conversations taking place right next to me. I felt so overwhelmed-- so taken over-- by how good He is to pursue me.

He never stops.

I would quit on me if I were Him. Good heavens, I've wanted to quit on myself and that's saying something, since I think we humans have quite a tendency toward self-preservation if nothing else.

He doesn't quit on me. Not for a minute. He is relentless, and that is because He is good.

"Our God is jealous for His own,
None could comprehend His love and His mercy."

It keeps playing through my mind and heart. For months and months.

He wants my heart. He wants your heart. He loves us too much to not pursue us.

Even to the point of death, to the cross, to the grave.

In all the dealings and things happening in my life and my heart, this is the bottom line of it all. In every circumstance and situation, this is the final realization that keeps dawning on me, over and over and over again.

And maybe, just maybe, I'm getting it a bit more today than I did yesterday.

And certainly, I am more excited about tomorrow than I've ever been, because I am learning that tomorrow is another day for Him to pursue me more, and that makes it better than anything I've known today or yesterday or the day before that.


  1. I love this. This makes me cry. And miss you. 

  2. I love this post!  Love that you can open your heart and that He does pursue us always!

  3. I love that song. Every time I hear it or sing it I am so aware of my (our) state and yet His love for me (us)!, and it's so hair raising comforting and moving.
