Thursday, January 29, 2015

He will keep us

In my kitchen, I have a garland of Scripture verses printed out. Some of them I've put to memorization, others are simply there to catch my eye, both with the hope that more Word will sink deep into my heart and the fibers of my being.

A few weeks ago, this one caught my eye.

I am not a brave person. There have been many mornings in my life when it has all seemed too hard and I desperately want an escape. I bury deep under the covers and I beg for this cup to be taken, for Him to come quickly and just get me out. The flight in me wins over the fight every single time.

Right now, I am facing another situation that brings that inclination to the surface. Perhaps I will write about it soon, but suffice it to say, I have asked over and over and over again that it just be different-- and instead of being different, it just seems to continue.

And so as I looked up from my eggs and vegetables recently, I read these words and tears came quickly.

I do not ask that you take them out of the world,
but that You keep them from the evil one.

You know that feeling of being buoyed by the prayers of another? Suddenly my heart was flooded with the realization that Jesus was praying for me, for me in my present distress, for my heart and my life, for my faith. He knew that at times I would want an escape, that I would want quick deliverance and fast answers, and He knew that there would be days when I would want out of this world with its present-day angst and agonies.

...keep them...

Those two words, over and over and over again in my heart. The knowledge that Jesus made this petition on my behalf. The reality that it has not been left to me to keep myself, but that He will do it for me. He hasn't asked that I be taken out, but He has asked that the God of the universe, the One who holds all in the palm of His hands, keep me from the evil one. He hasn't asked me to fight for myself; He has fought the fight for me.

I don't know what you're facing today. I don't know what private tears you cry, what unanswered prayers you're praying, what loss or grief you're enduring. But I know that the same Lord who prayed this prayer on my behalf prayed it on yours, and He is able to do what He says He will do.

He is able to keep us.


  1. Thanks for sharing Brietta. This was very encouraging to me this afternoon :)

  2. Just beautiful, Brietta ♥ Thanks so much for sharing it.

  3. These words. Thank you. So thankful for Jesus' faithfulness. Praying for you and yours, linda

  4. I LOVE the garland. Might I ask where you got those lovely Scripture cards?

    1. Jen, I printed some of my favorites from
