Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today we celebrate life.

The life, death, and resurrection of our amazing Savior-- and the promise of eternal life that He extends to all who will call upon His name.

Jesus paid it all.


Today I am letting that word sink into the deepest parts of my heart, the places that still at times doubt and wonder and question how that can be true.


He paid a debt I could not pay, and won a victory I couldn't even dream of, and He shares it with me.

He is risen, and we will rise with Him!

And today we celebrate one year of life with my beautiful baby boy.

A year.

Despite long days and nights, somehow it really does feel like a blink of an eye.

Right now, standing here, all I know is, I don't know how I didn't know him before last year. How has he not always been part of my life, part of this family, part of what happens day in and day out in this home?

Thank You, Lord, for letting me get to know him.

His blue, blue eyes and bald little head. His funny eyebrows and the way he raises his right one ever-so-slightly when he is amused or surprised or curious. His widely-spaced teeth and hugely-round grin. His chubby hands and the way he reaches for me at night. His soft cheeks and dimpled elbows. His growls and grunts and little man noises that mean, "I'm having fun." His deep down belly laughter when he finds me hiding around the corner for the tenth time in less than a minute. His enthrallment with the guitar and drums and piano and any music that is being played any time, anywhere.

I wonder what other things I will learn about him in the coming year. I know these next months will be ones full of exciting discovery and growth and adventure.

But I know that each day just keeps bringing us further from infancy... from babyhood.

I'd be lying if I said that doesn't make me more than a little bit sad.

And so it is with a certain bittersweetness in my heart that I wish my littlest boy his first happy birthday.

Elliot Hale, you are a gift from God. Made in His image, filled with destiny and promise and potential, more valuable than words or my best efforts could ever communicate.

We are thankful for and blessed beyond measure by this year with you!


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