Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rambling about Claire

During the wee morning hours, Claire officially turned "1 month old." Is it okay that I seriously did cry during the night when I was nursing her and thinking about how fleeting the days are?

Yesterday, Claire had her 1 month check-up. She is doing well (despite a mild case of bronchiolitis) and growing: she's now 9lbs, 8oz and 21-1/2 inches long. We had a nice visit with her doctor and then waved good-bye with promises of another visit and chance to catch up when she's six months.

Claire celebrated her first Thanksgiving last week and now is experiencing her first Christmas holiday. This morning we hung her stocking. I thought back to when we first moved into this house and we hung four stockings on the railing. I can hardly believe there are seven now.

We dote on Claire something fierce. She might even be what some call a tad bit spoiled. Her favorite place to take a nap is against someone's chest, listening to a heartbeat. Especially Mama's. What can I say? Accommodating her is one of my favorite things to do and I'm completely to blame for her strong preference. (Thank goodness for the Moby wrap, though, or else I'd be getting nothing done most days!)

I really thought I was having another boy before Claire was born, but now that she's been around for a month, I wonder what I was thinking. I can't imagine life without my newest little pink bundle. Since I've never had back-to-back boys or girls before, I'm enjoying this new experience.

That said, this may be ranking up there as my most challenging transition. Claire is a great baby, really, but there have been many moments when my head feels like it's spinning uncontrollably. Juggling the needs of a first grader, a kindergartener, a preschooler, a toddler, and an infant definitely puts a demand on me that I've never experienced before. Don't get me wrong: I have a great kids. It's just busy right now.

All in all, I know I'm blessed. It's noisy at times. It's chaotic most days. We're still getting our footing (which translates into lots of crying-- the kids and me, I admit). But as long as I take a deep breath regularly and step back every so often, I can laugh at how simple these challenges really are.

I love being a mama to my children. And I am loving our newest addition.



  1. A great post. Thank you for sharing such heart felt thoughts and emotions. Being a mama really is the best!
    I was thinking this year too, as I stood hanging our 6 stockings, that when we bought this house we only had 4 to hang. I'm so blessed and time sure does fly. I remember when you bought the stockings and at the time only had Gabriel but you bought enough "for the future". Good thing, huh?!?!? I have the same stockings and just love them!

  2. How true and tender!  I agree that your home is busy and even noisy at times, but I would not describe it as "chaotic."  You and Daniel are doing a wonderful job of teaching, training and sowing truth into your children.  I was surprised when I read that Claire is already a month old.  Then I realized that it is December 1. 

  3. I was going to say exactly what Mrs. P said...busy and noisy but NOT chaotic. Of course I don't live there. But I just know I'm right! (especially if Mrs. P said it!)
    You and Daniel are awesome parents and I am blessed by your friendship.
    Funny about the stockings...years ago I bought 7 stockings for us (Eric, Me, and the 5 kids) and I bought 2 extras for the future. Needless to say, this afternoon I hung all 9 of them for the kids. Saturday I will look for 2 new ones to match for mom and dad.
    Good times. I love that our kids are growing up together, making memories. Someday Avery, Riley, Emily, and Brads will be asking for the car keys so they can pick up your crew for a road trip! YIKES!!!

  4. Hi there...my little girl, Sarah, is now 4 weeks old (born on Nov. 4), and your house sounds just like mine!  Juggling homeschool (I have kids in 10th, 5th, 3rd, and K, as well as a 3yo and our new little one!), and the household chores is definitely proving to be a challenge...with tears on all sides of the equation from time to time!  Your blog has been such an encouragement for me, throughout my pregnancy and today especially.  My little girl is also content to sleep on a chest--preferrably mine--and I've made much use of my Moby as well. 
    Your little girl is beautiful.  Thanks for sharing about your days.  It helps me feel more normal to see such similar experience in someone else's home!

  5. Great post, Brietta!  It all made me smile.  And I just love that photo.  Can your "little" girls get any cuter??

  6. Brietta, you don't really know me.  My name is Tricia Valdes and I'm Matthew Valdes's mom(we did meet at Anthony & Erin's wedding).  I've been following your blog since Erin Rodriguez used to post on hers while in S. Africa.  I saw your name one day and clicked on it to see how Aubrey was doing(many months after she was born) because I had been asked to pray after she was born(what a testimony she is of God's faithfulness and goodness and miracle working power!!).  Anyway, I periodically read your blogs because I so enjoy your passion for motherhood, for your home and for Jesus. Unfortunately, I don't come across many young mothers, such as yourself that so love being at home with their children, caring for them, teaching them, loving their father and loving Jesus.  I sense the Father's delight as you do what you were created to do with such joy and fullness of life.  You radiate Him in ways you can't imagine, even to a stranger such as myself.  I hope that I am not making you uncomfortable in sharing my thoughts.  I simply felt led to let you know that you bless many with the Presence of Jesus by just being yourself, and by sharing your weaknesses as well as your strengths.  I am one of those that are blessed by Him in you.  May He continue to be your everything and may His grace abound for your every need!
