Tuesday, January 8, 2013

These Days

These days of mine are pretty simple. Not always easy, but generally straight-forward. I honestly wouldn't prefer it any other way, as I am by nature a fairly organized person. I think in terms of outlines, checklists, and patterns. I am not choleric enough to be truly Type A, but I'm OCD enough. I can't tell you how thankful I am for this season that lends itself naturally to clear-cut priorities.

Even so, sometimes the beauty of its simplicity gets lost in the haze of exhaustion and repetition. That's when I start to think, Don't forget this! That-- and that!-- and that! Yes, those things! You want to remember. There are miracles happening right before my eyes, but I don't always see the the forest for the trees.

Right now I pause long enough to part the fog that is day blending into day to say that these days are::

:: home-centered days. It's true that I sometimes go a week at a time without stepping foot outside my house. I continually grow in my appreciation of this, especially as these kinds of weeks gradually become fewer and farther between due to the children's activities/commitments that draw me outside more and more often.

(Because honestly?-- these changes makes me sad. I am a homebody through and through!)

I'm glad that this season is one of mostly being home-- and that even when I'm not, the "outside pull" is largely centered around what is happening at home and right in our young family's midst.

:: putting festivities behind us days. Despite my normally not sentimental tendencies, I always feel a little sad to say good-bye to one year and hello to the next. Add to this my children's despondency over putting the Christmas decorations away and taking the tree down and there was some serious melancholy in our home over the weekend. Thank goodness for a couple small things to brighten these winter days. Things like a favorite artist's postcard print framed in the window at my kitchen sink, a newly-blooming paperwhite from my friend and neighbor on our dining room table, and the miniature acorn-hat representation of our family that is now newly updated to include six little children.

:: ice skating and hockey game attending and football watching and friends hosting days. When I think about all the rich, rich ways God blesses our daily lives-- opportunities to do special things with our kids right here in our small town and for little to no cost, sharing relational bonds that go so much deeper than just having external things in common, opening our home as we are able (I refuse to think about how much more I would like to be doing in this arena and just choose to rejoice in the days that hospitality does work out)-- I am undone with gratitude.


I have so, so, so, SO much to be thankful for.

:: thoughtful and contemplative days. I am grateful for the way a new beginning of any kind prompts me to reevaluate and reconsider what my choices, priorities, and ambitions actually are. In my heart of hearts I sincerely want my life to be about Christ and knowing Him more. I wish I weren't fickle and that all my actions always followed accordingly, but I get off-track. Quickly and often. God is so gracious to provide natural opportunities to get refreshed in what (WHO) is truly important.

:: noticing my children days. They are unique, special people. I can get busy (with them, believe it or not!) and miss how remarkable they really are. I have been purposing to watch them more. Watching them playing contentedly for countless hours (out in the snow, hidden away in quiet places, in the middle of the kitchen floor, or wherever inspiration finds them!), love each other, feast on being with me, laugh and repent and sing and learn and grow fills me to overflowing.

:: faith growing days. The more I see of this world and raw humanity (in me, in my family, in everyone everywhere!), the more aware I am of how great our need is. Oh! how glad I am for His ever present help! I have many opportunities of late to choose to meditate on His greatness, His sufficiency, His compassion, His ever-expanding rule. There is such joy-- deep, abiding joy-- in this sort of meditation.

Despite what I sometimes (often?!) see, despite what I sometimes (often?!) feel, He is in control and He is not worried and He will not fail.


:: get back on track days. This begins with small, but important steps.

1. Elliot taking naps in his bed again after a long month of sickness that turned into a bit too much attachment (as much as I really don't mind sitting and snuggling that bundle of love all day long, I do have other children I need to tend to occasionally!).

2. A fresh start at a Bible reading plan. I've got one that sends me reminders electronically, and so far this has been such a wonderful tool since I do experience my fair share of quiet time interruptions-- and it's hard to remember to get back to whatever didn't get finished in my first attempt! I am so thankful for modern technology. I am on Day 22 of a 1-Year plan and I haven't fallen behind for even a day yet. This might be a record that I've not touched since pre-baby days!

3. Regular exercise. I won't embarrass myself by saying how long it's been since this was part of my days. Let's just say, I've been sore but it's been good. Ouch.

I want to be healthy and strong for my children and grandchildren, yes, but ultimately so that I am fit for whatever the Lord may call me to my whole life through.

4. Morning routine, housework routine, school routine, dietary routine. That last one is getting a jumpstart with our church week of prayer and fasting. Daniel's the only truly hardcore one in our house, but the kids and I always find our own way to starve the flesh a bit (and, at the very least, it's a good way to break our holiday-fed sugar addictions).


Yes, these are my days. I think back to a time when this kind of life sounded boring. It is so far from boring, and that is because it is right what the Lord has me doing. Serving Him is joy, peace, blessing, and purpose. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!



  1. Just curious...which Bible reading plan are you using? 

  2. I like getting little bits and pieces from your days. We have very similar days here too. Years ago, if you had asked me if I would be ok not leaving the house for days on end I would have responded with no and not leaving would make me feel crazy. Well, I'm learning to appreciate these days and I'm very much content with staying in and just being with my kids. We started back to with our school routine Monday. It wasn't pretty but it got done. We ended up taking 3 full weeks off with hurt backs, sickness and then the holiday. So getting back to a chore routine and school routine were a must. I love having days with no absolute direction but I love routine just as much. We also in the midst of a 21 day fast. The kids and I are fasting sweets and snacks and I'm fasting facebook. It's all been quite refreshing! Miss you all!!
