We are not far into our school year (I waited until I was beyond the puking stage and mostly out of the nauseas one before we began in earnest, which has meant that we've only been at the "full" routine for a week), and already it's been good for all of us! The crazy days of summer are fun in their own way, but I have to admit that come late August (and even sooner, really), I am usually feeling completely out of touch with all goals and any concept of how we're doing. There's something very refreshing about making plans and developing objectives, and then setting our hearts and minds to them.
has discovered that math and science can be fun, thanks to Teaching Textbooks and Nature Journaling
can mow the less sloped sections of the lawn
is learning that when we assume the best about others, kindness is much easier to live out
is learning cursive handwriting
has developed a deep fondness for crocheting, thanks to our friend Mrs. Fox
asks to do history because she thinks it's so interesting
can read a good variety of words & a few simple books
is understanding that obedience isn't obedience unless it's instant, cheerful, and thorough
now folds laundry & vacuums (like the big kids!)
has taken on more household jobs, of which she is very proud
is teaching Claire how to help her with a few of those jobs (a natural born leader, that Aubrey!)
can walk 1.5+ miles without being carried at all, which is a feat for her
is learning that she's not allowed to tell Mom "NO!"
finally colors with crayons instead of trying to eat them
recently found out that she actually does have to eat the meat & vegetables and not just the bread
And as for me, if you read that list with any understanding, you know that inevitably in the midst of my children learning and discovering these things (and more), I have been learning (albeit slower than I should) how to be patient, consistent, encouraging, inspiring, calm, persistent, faithful, and humble.
Boy oh boy, does motherhood teach me how to be humble.
I am not who I want to be. I am not who my children need me to be. I so desperately need Jesus to make up the difference each and every minute of each and every day.
And so those lessons in humility pave the way for lessons in thankfulness. How grateful am I that as I fall so very far short, He not only makes up the difference but gladly does so-- and in so doing uses those very weaknesses to show Himself strong to me and to my children!